Products & Equipment

Products & Equipment


Educate Patients as They Wait The Waiting Room Guide to Sedation Dentistry provides existing and potential patients with information to acquaint them with the benefits of sedation dentistry. The 18 minute program is broken into six simple steps and includes testimonials from real-life sedation patients enticing the patient to visualize an easy, comfortable dental experience of their own.
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Public Relations Companion for Sedation Dentistry: Templates ready for use today! Let your patients know that you provide Sedation Dentistry so they can move forward with delayed treatment and refer their friends. You can send email, add copy to your web and use the newsletter article to inform and educate your patients about the benefits of this valuable service. Even your most loyal patients will be reminded of the compassion and care they receive at your office. This is a great tool to allow them to forward emails and pass around newsletter to co-workers, friends and high-fear patients. Let everyone know you provide comfortable care and make it easy for your patients to refer more patients to you. Marketing professionals carefully crafted these tools to make it easy for you to use. Materials are in WORD format so you can simply cut and paste into your newsletter or onto your website. Carefully written instructions and graphics allow you to educate your patients using email. Members pay just: $29.95 plus s/h. Join today! Consider these products that work well with these audio/video patient brochures:
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Performing oral conscious sedation significantly increases the risk for the practitioner and the patient. With informed consent, the patient has an expectation to be protected from adverse outcomes that are preventable. The average dentist does not have time to take away from their busy practice to read all of the latest literature and memorize the PDR to know the most current risks posed by drug interactions.
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he pediatric population is a dynamic group, with major changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics taking place throughout infancy and childhood. Because of these changes, the need for the evaluation and establishment of medication dosing regimens in children of different ages is great. The Pediatric Dosage Handbook, 22nd Edition, continues to be the trusted resource for all medical professionals managing pediatric patients.
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Pre- and postoperative consultations in dentistry are greatly enhanced through the use of video. The Parent Consultation DVDs are a follow-up to Book One in the series and create a valuable resource for the parents of pediatric sedation dentistry patients before and after their treatment. Contains 4 DVDs in the set: 2 in English, and 2 in Spanish.
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These brochures are an excellent resource for parents deciding if pediatric sedation dentistry is right for their child. Packed with information that educates parents on why they should consider pediatric sedation dentistry, this tool helps patients make the best choice for their child. These brochures include answers to commonly asked questions, facts about safety and much more. 50 pack.
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Based on its expandability of monitoring parameters and stunning, ultra-slim design, the X10 and X12 meet the Standard of Care, fulfill all of your clinical requirements in various scenarios, and covers all patient types, from pediatric to adult monitoring. 

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